Je commande régulièrement et c’est top la livraison la cuisine tout
(Translated by Google)
I order regularly and it's great, the delivery, the kitchen, everything
Pierre-Alexandre Cornillon 평가됨
Le meilleur restaurant japonais de la région !
(Translated by Google)
The best Japanese restaurant in the region!
Paola Lorca 평가됨
Livraison et cuisine au top
(Translated by Google)
Top-notch delivery and cuisine
최근 리뷰
Je commande régulièrement et c’est top la livraison la cuisine tout (Translated by Google) I order regularly and it's great, the delivery, the kitchen, everything
Le meilleur restaurant japonais de la région ! (Translated by Google) The best Japanese restaurant in the region!
Livraison et cuisine au top (Translated by Google) Top-notch delivery and cuisine